Janine Kotocavage

I am not only a conservative, but a strong supporter of our current POTUS. I am a wife, mother, grandmother and a proud American that wants to help #KAG! #Trump2020 I believe in like-minded people banding together for the greater good. Together we can do wonderful things to ensure the re-re-election of the best president

Melinda McDonnell

I registered for the first time in my 40 years to vote specifically for Donald Trump in 2016. I felt our Beloved Country needed to be run as a business, opposed to being run over by our last POTUS. I Have strong opinions regarding our Medical System. As we all know , it is quite

Donna McGetrick

Absouletly ” Make America Strong” !! I agree how sad many people in the news / elsewhere disrespect our awesome President of the USA, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP. Our President is very real & truthful & honest.Never that I’m aware of does any other President of the USA givenso MUCH for our country USA, has any other

Dawn Drabik

Hello! I’m a 49 year old mom of three beautiful girls. I’m married to my childhood sweetheart, a firefighter/paramedic. And, I’m an interior designer, specializing in high-end custom cabinetry and furniture. I am a dedicated Trump Supporter! And, I am not afraid to shout it from any rooftop! God Bless Mr. Trump, Trump Family, and