William Cooley (Trumpster)
Former Mayor of Minnetonka, Minnesota Former Deputy Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota Treasurer of Mayors for Nixon in 1968 Placed 20 bill boards around the state for Trump/Pence in 2016 ($100,000) Five years on Palm Beach Landmarks Preservation Commission, one year as Chair. Three years on Palm Beach Strategic Planning Board Retired real estate developer To
Grace Stowers
I am 16 years old and proud to be a Trump supporter. I go to Huntington High School in West Virginia. Currently I am in Young Republicans and want to be a voice for other young women who support Trump. I have been bullied over the fact that I support him, and have been told,
Vickie Froehlich
I am a long time Republican who is thrilled to have Donald J. Trump as our President. We farm in MN and have homeschooled our 5 children. We have 9 grandchildren. I am very concerned about our country and I share many Christian and Conservative things on Facebook. I often have people quietly say to