Nancy Drake

My husband and I moved to Florida over 20 years ago. Christ Fellowship is our home church and are conservative. This country is being drastically changed and not what I believe in anymore. It was founded on Judeo Christian principles and the current government is trying to dismantle every principle it was founded on.

Ana Fundora

A very proud Cuban-American who loves the USA for giving its citizens the opportunity for freedom and prosperity. Proudly married to William ‘Ozzie’ Osborne. Mother of five wonderful children and grandmother to eight fabulous grandkids. Executive Director at Holy Cross Catholic Preschool and Center. Diocese of Palm Beach employee as an educator and administrator for

Carol Jennifer Friend

Hi,I would love to be apart of this group. I live in Gainesville FL and have a small farm.The liberals have taken over our town and I will not be silent. I would love to help with getting our President Trump elected again.I was attached by over 100 people in my town a couple weeks

Joseph V Marchese

Retired pharmaceutical executive living in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Promote the values pertaining to the Sanctity of Human Life, the cornerstone of the family is natural marriage, the union of one man and one woman. I strongly support the freedom of Americans to act in accordance with their religious beliefs, not only in their houses

Donna Dirr

A single mother of three grown children and a small business owner in Jupiter. After launching two successful businesses I recently retired and now enjoy traveling and our summer home in Georgia. Treat others as I would like to be treated. Give respect and expect the same from other.