Peggy Turk

I am the proud mother of 6 children, 5 sons and one beautiful daughter who unfortunately passed away in 2011, my youngest son William (19) just joined the Marines and will be leaving March 16th for boot camp to serve our great country. I am Realtor in Broward county and have been a Trump supporter

Patricia Pond

My goal is to influence others to defend their freedom and to voice out, vote, and do their research, also to get involved in their communities and stay alert of who is your candidates, and learn the truth. I will support Trump and will get him re-elected. To support President Donald Trump any way I

Tencia Ruiz

I am an activist, help candidates that can better our country, I have been involved in Trumps campaign since 2016. I love what he is doing ffor our country, promises made promises kept. My goal is to influence others to defend their freedom and to voice out, vote, and do their research, also to get

Deirdre Panzarella

I’m a mom of 4 & have 7 grandchildren. Empty nester living in Bucks County PA. for 3 years. Married to the love of my life for 33 years. I’m a full-time real estate broker with Berkshire Hathaway in Doylestown PA. I’m a proud American! I want to see our country go in the right

Liliana Levinson

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. I earned a degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and Economics in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I earned a Master degree in Arts of Education at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Taught Economics and Accounting at the high school