Addy Walker

Born in New York City to Italian conservative parents I have two sons ADAM and Ryan Walker I am married to Frank DiSalvo and I have been a Realtor for 48 years I belong to the Republican women’s center here in La Quinta California very active great group of women I belong to the Republican

Mary Lamothe

I was born and raised on a farm in Central Iowa. I left at the age of 25 and became a Flight Attendant with Eastern Airlines. I soon married and raised a family here in Illinois. I’ve done volunteer work preparing income taxes for 3 years and now I am involved with a world wide

Susan Smith

Palm Springs, CA resident, third generation conservative, real estate broker professionals. Grandparents bought Palm Springs home 1957. I joined them 1976. I am Realtor Emeritus, 44 yrs now. I met you Toni here, helped you with your property management, met you and your Mother at your Las Palmas home. Fan when you had your local

Lisa Wardell

I am a resident of Singer Island, Florida and have lived in the state since 1972. I am a speech pathologist, bible study leader and wife and grandmother. I am devoted to President Trump and aim to do everything in my power to help in his re-election in 2020

Jo Cox

Spreading the ,”Good News” of this Administration. WWG1WGA! TRUMP 2020 It is time to educate the public about being a true patriot and the promises made and promises kept by our president. Let the statistics speak for themselves.

Francoise Knoeppel

I’m a nursing professor and I’m working on getting my post masters degree in family nurse practitioner. I’m originally from Brazil and proud US citizen. I love our president Trump ! I would like to help president trump to get more more support from the latinas ! My daughter is the executive director at the

Lynne Gavalek Longo

United States patriot, Die-hard Trump supporter, avid networker, business owner, mother of four, and lover of acronyms …MAGA! …To make the choice, every day, to live beyond myself to become an enhancement and blessing to everyone in this world that I come into contact with. …To make a difference for our wonderful country by banning