Kaye Waller
Owner of The Golden Sparrows Gifts Past Owner of KissyBelles Christian Conservative Dog Lover To restore the God given values of this country. Justice for all Americans.
Lori Clark
Born in Columbus, Mississippi in the early sixties, I have enjoyed a long career as as a small business owner, artist and interior decorator, with an emphasis on visual merchandising for national brands designing showrooms. My husband Larry and I have been married almost 40 years and together co-parented three daughters between the two of
Amos Knoll
I was born in 1943 in Israel, when I was five, I moved to Vienna, Austria, and at age ten I moved to Brooklyn New York. I have Hebrew, German, and Brooklyn Jewish accents. I went to the Brooklyn Community College, then Queens College, and to the Institute of fiancé on Wall Street. I worked
Marilyn Krone
I am a loyal Trump supporter. Recently moved to Palm Beach Gardens. Reciprocal members of Trump properties through Doonbeg, Ireland. I own investment properties that I rent out in Palm Beach. I helped my dear friend, Art Fisher raise $2.5 M at our Trump fundraiser in Lake Toxaway, NC. We have lived there in season