I am a career government lawyer in Palm Beach County for the past 32 years. One of President Regan’s most important contributions to our Country was his very public and unapologetic patriotism to America. I am a very proud first generation American of Italian decent. My father came here legally as a child in 1930. He embraced America, fought for America in WW II and up until his passing last year was the epitome of the American dream. My parents worked hard to provide the opportunities to their children through education and love of family and country. I am a very proud American with a deep respect for my heritage.
I am very concerned that over the last decade patriotism has been under attack. Under our former President, patriotism, albeit ever so subtly, began to take a back seat to globalism and the notion that the United States must apologize. Now, the attack on patriotism is blatant and the contempt for those who express their love for and pride in America is palpable. I believe we are still apart of the “ silent majority” but I do not want to be silent any longer. I love President Trump, I love what he stands for, and the longer he endures and fights the fight, the more he exposes the destructive hate and hypocrisy on the other side. Joining the Trumpettes, if I’m permitted, would be my way to also “fight the fight”.