Heidi Christensen
I am a Washington State: Caregiver to Military Families Business Consultant Nurse Assistant/Home Care Aide Notary Public Elected Libertarian 1999 Spokane County Cemetery Commissioner, Milan District #5 Medical Cannabis Consultant Thank you for supporting President Trump! #heididutytime #healthiswealth #VetSafe #TeamUSA
Joann Yates
I am a real estate agent in Boca Raton Have been here 33 years …originally from New York Have twin boys and need to ensure this world continues somewhat similar to when i grew up and even when they grew up.
Sarah Michele King
I am an Instructional Systems Specialist and Program Manager at the Department of the Air Force, HQ AETC (ADC), with a focus on educational technology and instructional design. With advanced degrees in Educational Technology and Teaching and Learning, I lead initiatives that enhance Air Force training, including the Developing Learning Competencies (DLC) Training Workshop, where
Laurie Payton
Ultra conservative mother and grandmother to seven amazing children. I have served in the military and used my GI Bill to obtain my college degree. I am currently retired and block walk for my republican campaign chair. We must make America great afain.
Yvonne Thomas
I live in Australia. I am 70 yrs old. I vote for the Australian equivalent to the Republicans. Our current Prime Minister is the leader of the Labor Party ( like Democrats) We have the exact same problems that you are experiencing under The Democrats. I want the world to be “ Great Again!
Mercedes Sabins
I became actively politically involved in 2006. I have attended many political events and demonstration beginning with the demonstration in DC in 2009. I joined several tea party groups.