Update from Cleveland!
I had a busy day being interviewed by journalists around the world, particularly journalist Paul Wood. I then had a quick change and was off to a reception at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in between a quick walk to get registered and our credentials to meet Texas Governor, Rick Perry, security LaRue
Here I am off to Cleveland for the convention!
This has been a very exciting year starting the Trumpettes and joining forces with all you wonderful women across the USA and now we also have men Trumpsters! Stay tuned as I will give you running updates throughout the convention and check in with me often on my Facebook pages (Toni
New Trumpster Added!
Trumpster-Advocate, Robert P. (Bob) Seldon, lifelong writer, oilman, Conservative Republican, and art collector-philanthropist, lives in multiple cities, with Houston as home-base, along with Trumpette, Cheri Miller, also to be found in.Beverly Hills, Santa Fe, Sedona, and Palm Beach. They also are long term animal advocates, particularly for equines and canines, spending much time with Polo
Robert Seldon (Trumpster)
Trumpster-Advocate, Robert P. (Bob) Seldon, lifelong writer, oilman, Conservative Republican, and art collector-philanthropist, lives in multiple cities, with Houston as home-base, along with Trumpette, Cheri Miller, also to be found in.Beverly Hills, Santa Fe, Sedona, and Palm Beach. They also are long term animal advocates, particularly for equines and canines, spending much time with Polo
A Firearms Refresher Course
1. “Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”~Thomas Jefferson 2. “Those who trade liberty for security have neither.” ~ John Adams 3. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms. 4. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. 5. Only a government