Danielle Davidson
A brief bio of myself for your postings. I am a proud supporter of Donald Trump. As a former radio personality and television reporter I had the privilege of seeing Washington,DC politics up close and personal…therefore when Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States, I hope he adopts the statement “THE BUCK STOPS
Karen Hardin
I am proud to be a third generation Californian. My family and I have observed the growth of Orange County, both economically and culturally. As a teenager, I was steeped in the arts and took pleasure in creating architectural renderings. After college, I worked for General William Lyon as a market research analyst. I soon
Lorrie Winnerman
Owner of Lorrie B. Aspen Real Estate, Aspen, Colo. Parents brought me to Aspen as winter home in 1955. Moved to Aspen full time from Minnesota -1979 to raise two sons. Started my real estate practice then and opened my own company in 1994. Consistently sell $50,000,000-$75,000,000 Aspen Real Estate per year. Very active outdoor life style including skiing, hiking,
Terry Ebert Mendozza (Founder)
My name is Terry Ebert-Mendozza. I lived in Manalapan, Florida for 30 years, commuting weekly to Chicago, as CEO of Ebert & Associates, a mega real estate firm with high-rise properties in downtown Chicago. I was the youngest realtor in the State of Illinois, and successfully ran the firm until my retirement in 2012. I was named
Wilma Mooney
My name is Wilma Mooney. For 30 years I traded stocks and ran a Block Trading Dept. on Wall Street. I love my country and am very worried about its future. Donald Trump is the only one I see, that can save our Republic. The Trumpettes are the perfect group to Help Make America Great