Malinda Myers
I moved from a once beautiful state of California, which had been a land of hope and promise, to a free State of Florida. I don’t love politics but love a smart Businessman such as President Trump who has his whole heart in making America great. I love new ideas to solve old problems.
G. Melanie Koumjian
Retired. Having been in the travel industry for over 45 years I have been fortunate to travel the world. A few of my passions, are golf, Majong, and writing children stories. I am concerned about the direction this country is going in and would like to get more involved in supporting conservative values.
Michelle Mathews
I have been w Trump since day one. I’ve had the pleasure of volunteering for him and meeting him and his family who I adore.
Michael Paskerian
Conservative from birth, son of a Korean War Veteran, aerospace & defense engineer, law enforcement member.