Saundra Kiczenski
I live in Sault Ste Marie, MI. I have attended 59 President Trump rallies all over the country. I wrote a book in July, hopefully it will be available for sale soon. Make America Great Again, Again!
Priti Shukla
I been involved with President Trump campaign back in 2015 when he first decided to run. Since then I been following him to rallys and different events. As well as supporting local Republicans groups, gop, rnc and other republican candidates like Ron Desantis, congressman Gus Bilirakis, Congressman Bryan McDaniel and so many others. I have
Melissa Martz
I am a wife, homeschooling mother, attorney, child advocate, VP of A Mother’s Heart corp., a congressional candidate, constitutionalist and a patriot. More here: I support our rightful president, Donald J Trump and the America first principles he stands for. I am fighting alongside my fellow Americans, everyday to see a return to the protect