Merry Christmas
Wishing all my Trumpettes and Trumpsters and friends and family everywhere, a very happy holiday and an exciting 2017. Our new President is coming January 20th and for that there cannot be a better Christmas present. May your family and all those near and dear to you enjoy the holidays. With tremendous gratitude, Toni Holt
Thank You Trumpettes
Thank you to my wonderful Trumpettes, Suzi Goldsmith, Janet Levy, Terry Lee Mendozza, Rosa Castillo, Tova Leidesdorf, Ari Rifkin and Enid Rogow for your continued support of our now global Trumpettes USA. More great things happening as we march on into 2017. Please continue to share, share and share again. Toni Holt Kramer Founder and
A Message From THK
Dear Trumpettes, I want to say thank you to all of you for your hard work, contribution and involvement in The Trumpettes USA. We are all thrilled that our candidate Donald J. Trump will soon be inaugurated and on that note, even Time Magazine has named him Person of the Year 2016. I would also
Hilarious Trump Christmas Parody “It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years” – Dana Kamide
Singer, Songwriter & Producer Dana Kamide created this masterpiece Christmas parody that will have you rolling in laughter and fully in the Christmas spirit!
Trumpettes To Appear On French TV’s QUOTIDIEN
“Congratulations to the people of France on their selection of Francois Fallon as their Republican Candidate in the Presidential primary. When the TrumpettesUSA filmed Sept Nuit just after our own election, we were speaking with the film crew from Paris, who acknowledged the Country is leaning more to the Right, and traditional values. Bravo France!!!