Hilarious Trump Christmas Parody “It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years” – Dana Kamide
Singer, Songwriter & Producer Dana Kamide created this masterpiece Christmas parody that will have you rolling in laughter and fully in the Christmas spirit!
Trumpettes To Appear On French TV’s QUOTIDIEN
“Congratulations to the people of France on their selection of Francois Fallon as their Republican Candidate in the Presidential primary. When the TrumpettesUSA filmed Sept Nuit just after our own election, we were speaking with the film crew from Paris, who acknowledged the Country is leaning more to the Right, and traditional values. Bravo France!!!
Good Day World, and isn’t it a happier and better world already, and good day Mr. President, Melania our new First Lady, and your beautiful family, and our family of Trumpettes, Trumpsters and supporters everywhere! No doubt the most exciting evening of our lives, especially those of us who were blessed to be waiting for
United Kingdom’s ITV Toni Holt Kramer Interview with Richard Gaisford
Here are a few photos from Sunday’s interview. Please stay tune for link to interview.
Congratulations Everyone!
We can all celebrate the good work this truck is doing by covering polling places, churches and synagogues. I thank you all so much for being so wonderful and hardworking. In case you missed it, please make sure to check out Robin BERNSTEIN and myself on the SHALOM SHOW Also, please keep a look out