Parmis Khatibi

Americans are living longer, thanks to medical advancements, but they’re often unable to access or afford care. A daughter of educators, Parmis was exposed to and embraced science early – teaching and treating the underserved is in her DNA. She spends her days with patients fighting opioid addiction and other life-threatening diseases. Away from the

Joann Portnoy

Boca Raton resident who used to reside in the Cherry Hill, NJ area. I come from a family in the diamond business and was married to the Arnold bread heir. I am a real estate entrepreneur who loves to socialize.

Melody Mateo

I was born & raised in Orange County, California, and now am blessed to live in the beautiful Palm Beaches. I am a UC Berkeley graduate & majored in Political Science. I am a philanthropist and retired nurse practitioner & AmeriCorps alumnus. I come from a family of American heroes: war veterans and former Special

Maverick Wright

I have been a supporter of President Trump since 2015, and having studied his life for many years, know that he truly is chose by God to lead this nation back to greatness. I will forever support his entire family.