Patricia Lawford

Former Secondary School teacher at Flora Hill secondary college Melbourne Australia. Joined the family Real Estate business in 2002. Established on the ethos”We don’t look after Real Estate We look After People” . Mother of two amazing children ( adult) Kim and William who were brought up in a loving Christian environment. Family is very

Morreen Brunetti

I was born in Canada and now living in Australia. I am passionate to see stability restored to all aspects of the economy within the US. I think Trump’s vision, focus and passion for the U.S. stems from a genuine concern for the country and not for personal gain. He is the first president to

Patricia Vaughan

Member of Toastmasters Diploma in Hypnotherapy Diploma N.L.P. Psychology Partner of a small Building Firm. 1 of 5 siblings born in UK now Naturalised Proud Australians. Flying the flag here for Trump; won’t tolerate the negative spin given out in the media and among social circles drawn in by the bullshit! Our Mission: Push for

Deborah Valentin

NYC transplant, currently living in Southport, CT. Director of Public Affairs for a Charity in NY prior to having my son in 1994. Stay-at-home mom for several years, now back in the work force, selling cars. Willing, and eager, to show support for our new President, Donald Trump.