Yvonne Thomas

I live in Australia. I am 70 yrs old. I vote for the Australian equivalent to the Republicans. Our current Prime Minister is the leader of the Labor Party ( like Democrats) We have the exact same problems that you are experiencing under The Democrats. I want the world to be “ Great Again!

Karen Silberman

Retired New York City school teacher. . Lots of free time to support President Trump as a volunteer. Finding it hard to find opportunities. Have called the GOP office in Hackensack several times and get no reply.

Parmis Khatibi

Americans are living longer, thanks to medical advancements, but they’re often unable to access or afford care. A daughter of educators, Parmis was exposed to and embraced science early – teaching and treating the underserved is in her DNA. She spends her days with patients fighting opioid addiction and other life-threatening diseases. Away from the

Joann Portnoy

Boca Raton resident who used to reside in the Cherry Hill, NJ area. I come from a family in the diamond business and was married to the Arnold bread heir. I am a real estate entrepreneur who loves to socialize.