Andréa Leader

I am a wife of 26 years to a wonderful man. We have a 23 year old son and a 5 day old grandson. I run a Instagram page for our Forever First Lady Melania Trump. I thank God for my beautiful family and President Trump and his family.

Dr Julie Zimmerer

I am a retired physician and business owner I have several degrees including 1 in the legal field. I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. I have been a republican my entire adulthood. We need Trump more than ever with all the changed in our schools, women sports, late term abortion, the border etc! I

Aileen Castellano

Aileen Castellano is currently Founding Partner of The Castellano Group Family Office. She’s the International Best Selling Author of “Heal Your Past & Live Today”. She’s passionate in working with global leaders whose initiative is to use investments to impact and influence humanitarian causes as they partner with her firm. She works directly with trading

Katrina Castellano

Katrina is the CIO and Founding Partner of The Castellano Group Family Office. As a former investment banker, she has enjoyed working with banking institutions worldwide. With two master degrees from Columbia University, and over 11 years of experience in the financial industry, she has been fortunate to have a fulfilling career specializing in debt