I am 16 years old and proud to be a Trump supporter. I go to Huntington High School in West Virginia. Currently I am in Young Republicans and want to be a voice for other young women who support Trump. I have been bullied over the fact that I support him, and have been told, “How could you support such a misogynist? Why aren’t you proud to be a woman?”
I understand that I cannot vote yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show my support for our amazing president. I want to become a voice for other young girls to show them that it’s okay to support Donald Trump. I want everyone to be proud of who they support and I’ve noticed that in High School, a lot of my friends have trouble admitting that they support them. I had one friend whisper that she was a republican and that she was a supporter of the president, but she had to whisper in fear of what others would think. I am a loud and proud supporter and I want to teach other girls to be this too.