Graduate of the Pennsylvania State University (B.S. Finance). Since graduation have been in the real estate business as a broker, certified appraiser and property development & management in western Pennsylvania. Jim is a Pennsylvania Statewide GOP committeeman and ran as a committed delegate in support of President Trump during the primary campaign. Married to Karen Keffalas who works in the emergency room of our local hospital. Karen and I have two daughters – Tiffany (23) graduate of Robert Morris University (B.A. Communications) – married to Michael Beamer, graduate of Robert Morris University (B.S. Manufacturing Engineering / M.S. Engineering Applications). Jayme (19) is a sophomore at Palm Beach Atlantic University and works part time on the Island at Vineyard Vine. Last, but not least, our family has two dogs – Pluto (4), and Jack (6).
Our family supports President Trump 100%, and his agenda to MAGA. Finally, we have a President who “gets it”.