We know that Obama has announced he plans to bring a million refugees in, and in the week that passed since the Orlando shooting he has brought in 500 refugees in less than a week. A recent FB posting from a self prescribed left liberal explained that she was for TRUMP because he was much more capable to keep us safe and strong. Put it together in your mind, you can be as left as you want but it won’t really matter if you, your family and your friends are victims of an attack. OBAMA IS WILLFULLY IGNORING THE SAFETY OF AMERICANS. How many more Orlando’s can we handle, or our churches, schools and our lifestyle. GET ON BOARD AND LEND YOUR SUPPORT. IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST READ THIS, YOU MUST SHARE, SHARE AND SHARE AGAIN. Trumpettesusa.com is celebrating it’s first anniversary. Last year my twinnie Trumpette Terry Lee Ebert Mendozza and I were aboard a cruise on June 16th when Donald J. Trump announced he would be running for President from Trump Tower in New York. We took a photograph with our husbands, but this year Terry and I got dressed up in red to celebrate my second birthday with Donald J. Trump now running for President.
Toni Holt Kramer
President and Founder www.TrumpettesUSA.com